Life for Sile
Falasco Cladium mariscus - foto Stefano D'Alterio
LIFE SILIFFE Project Improvement of the river and riparian habitats and fight against the alien water species in the Parco Regionale del Fiume Sile
This project aims at assessing the ecosystem of the river and of all of its elements, implementing real interventions for the creation of pilot areas for the management of the riparian habitats and putting into effect the Park's environmental plan providing specific and binding indications for the management of the habitats.In order to ...
Foto notizia
Friday 16th November 9.30 a.m. Cinema-Theater of Tolmin
The Life SilIFFe Project deals with the protection of the river Sile, the management of the river to guarantee the ecological functionality, fish restocking and the control of alien fish species.The latter represent a danger for the typical species of our waters due to their extreme adaptability and resistance to environmental conditions, causing...
Now the Sile Park can be reached on its renewed official website at The Park Authority constantly checks and updates all its contents, from the home page, which features a...
As the minimum number of participants has been reached, the above mentioned course will be held at the Park offices, via Tandura 40 – Treviso. PROGRAMME Thursday, 29 June...
Concrete conservation actions in the framework of the SILIFFE Project go on, in particular through Action C4 - Interventions for autochthonous water fauna - aimed at restoring biodiversity,...
On 7 June 2017, in the framework of activities listed in the cooperation agreement between the Sile River Regional Park Authority and the Province of Treviso, the latter - in its capacity as...
2025 © Parco Naturale Regionale del Fiume Sile
Via Tandura, 40 - Villa Letizia - 31100 Treviso (TV) - Telefono: 0422/321994 Fax: 0422/321839 - E-mail: