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The Partnership of the Life 14 NAT/IT/000809 - Life Siliffe Project

The beneficiary and coordinator of the Life 14 NAT/IT/000809 - Life Siliffe Project is the Ente Parco Naturale Regionale del fiume Sile. Besides it there are also the partner beneficiaries:

  • Region Venetia - Department for Parks, Biodiversity, Forestry and Sheep Farming Planning and Consumer Protection
  • Province of Treviso
  • Bioprogramm - Cooperative Society of advanced Biotechnologies and environmental Techniques.

Ente Parco Naturale Regionale del fiume Sile

The Sile River Nature Park extends along a surface equal to 4,152 hectares, included within 11 municipal territories in the Provinces of Padua, Treviso and Venice. The area of the springs is situated between Casacorba di Vedelago (Treviso) and Torreselle di Piombino Dese (Padua), originating the longest river of this kind in Italy: 70 km from the springs to Portegrandi di Quarto d'Altino (Venice), naturally flowing into the Venetian Lagoon, before the excavation works in the Taglio del Sile canal.

Region Venetia - Department for Parks, Biodiversity, Forestry and Sheep Farming Planning and Consumer Protection

Region Venetia - Department for Parks, Biodiversity, Forestry and Sheep Farming Planning and Consumer Protection is in charge of: planning and forestry research, hydrogeological protection, parks and biodiversity. The activities include: the development and the approval of the environmental plans in the regional protected areas, of the management plans for the Natura 2000 sites and the administrative control of the regional parks' managing entities. Furthermore, the Project's unit fosters and/or directly carries out researches and activities to spread information and scientific and technical editorial activities regarding the sectors it is in charge of.
The department also took part in European Projects financed by LIFE, such as the recent Carbomark (Life LIFE07 ENV/IT/000388 "Improvement of policies toward local voluntary carbon markets for climate change mitigation"), which has been included by the European Commission among the 17 Best LIFE Environment Projects in 2012.
Furthermore, the Region also took part in the Interreg programs (Alpine Space, Programmi IIIB, CADSES), transboundary cooperation (IPA Adriatico transboundary cooperation program), FESR part of the POR CRO program (2007-2013), Regional Implementing Program PAR FSC Development and Cohesion Fund and Rural Development Program (PSR 2007-2013).

Province of Treviso

The Province is a local entity mediating between the Municipalities and the Region, it represents its community and attends to its interests, it fosters and coordinates its development.
It is in charge of own functions and of those conferred on by law by the State and the Region. The Province's functions involve wide municipal areas or the whole provincial territory. The Province, through the Department of the Civil Protection, Hunting, Fishing and Agriculture, is in charge of the functions regarding the safeguard of the fish and wildlife fauna, as well as of the related environment, which is possible thanks to instruments for the planning, the management and the surveillance of the territory.
The activities of the department include studies and monitoring, training activities and spreading of information regarding the subjects of expertise.
The department is in charge of the drafting of the Managing Plans of the SPAs belonging to the Natura 2000 Network No. 18 - IT3240023 "Grave del Piave", No. 20 - IT3240034 "Garzaia di Pederobba", No. 21 - IT3240035 "Settolo Basso". The Managing Plan is a tool for the planning of the territory, whose fundamental goal is to safeguard the structure and the function of the habitats and the conservation of the species; they have an obligation to achieve a result, which is to maintain, improve or restore a good conservation status of habitats, species and habitats of species.

Bioprogramm - Cooperative Society of advanced Biotechnologies and environmental Techniques

Bioprogramm c.s. is a research society made up of biologists and other professionals working in the field of the environmental research since 1985.
The society has the UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 ANCPP CERT. N. SSG 4438 AQ 1609 certification.
Its main intervention fields are ecology and environment, especially regarding the fauna, the monitoring of the water courses, the limnology, the study and the management of the natural resources, the environmental planning.
A particularly important sector of activity for Bioprogramm is that regarding the drafting of the Environmental Impact Studies and of the Environmental Effect Assessment, that are compulsory for every intervention, project or planning carried out in the SCI or SPAs or related areas. The activity of the society also includes the complete supplying of services and technical advice for the general government and for the engineering companies in the different technical fields, such as the planning of constructed wetlands or the environmental fixing and re-naturalization of water bodies, and it also includes the realization and the management of environmental databases.
2024 © Parco Naturale Regionale del Fiume Sile
Via Tandura, 40 - Villa Letizia - 31100 Treviso (TV) - Telefono: 0422/321994 Fax: 0422/321839 - E-mail: