On a provincial level there is a significant bibliography regarding the Sile river's fish fauna, but especially in the river's main course the census areas have been quite wide, and the monitoring was mainly carried out for the management of the fishing activity and not for the conservation of the fish species. In the Park area 17 autochthonous species have been registered, such as some particular endemic species and some of those listed in the Annex II of the Directive: Spined loach Cobitis taenia (Linnaeus, 1758), Marble trout Salmo trutta marmoratus (Cuvier, 1829), and European bullhead Cottus gobio (Linnaeus, 1758); the grayling Thymallus thymallus (Linnaeus, 1758) is listed in the Annex V; whereas the Lombardy lamprey Lethenteron zanandreai (Vladykov, 1955) and the Italian barbel Barbus plebejus (Bonaparte, 1839) are listed both in the Annex II and in the Annex V. These species will be the object of the project. The alien species registered until today are 13.