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Action C9. Participation of the farmers and fostering of the agricultural-environmental measures of the PSR Veneto

The project focuses on a territory where agriculture is prevalent. As agriculture may deeply affect nature conservation in its surroundings, it is necessary to organise such activity in ways that minimise potentially harmful effects - both direct and indirect - on the protection of habitats and valuable species.

There are several solutions to improve the relationship between agriculture and nature. For example, establishing regulated zones around wetlands where mechanical activities are forbidden; creating wooded buffer zones to limit percolation of nutrients to the water network; limiting or forbidding the use of herbicides on plots of land with aquifer outcrops, etc.

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) acknowledges agriculture as fundamental for nature protection, too, and defines criteria to improve the relationship between agriculture and environment; such criteria can also consist of restrictions and incentives to adopt sustainable practices.

At regional level, the system of restrictions and incentives is mainly implemented by the Programme for Rural Development (Programma di Sviluppo Rurale - PSR), which can subsidise farmers to orient agriculture towards lower-impact production methods.

The purpose of this action is to encourage farms within the Park area to accept the PSR measures of Regione Veneto for the period 2014-2020.

The action consists in directly engaging stakeholders (farmers) by means of a working group, to which the main local farmer associations will take part, and of a series of meetings for all farms in all the different Park areas.

In the framework of the above mentioned activities, the event "Agricoltura e difesa fitosanitaria nell'ambito del territorio del Parco Regionale del fiume Sile" was organised. The event, which mainly addressed all agricultural operators, took place on 14th December at the auditorium of the Municipality of Quinto di Treviso.

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