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Action C3 Restoration of the riparian habitats

The restoration of the riparian habitats linked with the Sile river's system is carried out for the purpose of conservation, environmental improvement and restoration of the Sile River's typical habitats. One of those habitats is the E0* Alluvial Forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae).

A second goal is to increase the Sile river's functionality; whereas the third one is the implementation of "pilot" interventions along the river to test the best techniques (validated through the analysis method of the River Functionality Index) that will become operational and binding guidelines to be included in the variation of the Park's Environmental Plan.

The action provides the executive planning of the interventions and their implementation. Some pilot areas will be involved: San Michele Vecchio, to restore the arboreal and shrub layer (if damaged) or to increase its surface through new planting or sub-plantations. Two types of interventions are planned: the removal of the allochthonous plants first, and then the plantation and the sowing of new plants.
The removal of the allochthonous species combines with the reduction of the autochthonous infesting species. The goals are: to prevent woody species not belonging to the local potential flora from spreading; to allow the development of the vegetational sequence not only through autochthonous elements able to stop other plant elements to develop (such as the Hedera helix) or physically occupying the spaces (e.g. Rubus.), but also through elements not belonging to the related priority habitat.

The allochthonous species (ailanthus,  black locust) and the infesting ones (mainly Rubussp.) will be removed through cutting or ring-barking. This intervention will be carried out in all those areas having a developed set of plants, on the whole surfaces.

At a later time, arboreal and shrub elements belonging to the potential autochthonous flora will be sowed and planted. The intervention aims at increasing the biodiversity of the woody species, that are much lesser than the potential number of the present vegetation, and at creating riparian belts useful for the river ecosystem (intervention connected with the improvement of the I.F.F. - river functionality index - functionality).

The executive phase provides the following stages:
  1. morphologic shaping of the new plantation areas in order to keep the average level of the ground a little over the groundwater level;
  2. in case of planting on agricultural areas: closing or regulation of the draining trenches to keep or regulate the under-surface water stagnations;
  3. temporary piling of the superficial soil horizon and its redistribution in the intervention area at the end of the elevation changes;
  4. sowing or planting with local propagation material (certified and guaranteed eco-typical germ plasm) coming from the regional plant nursery managed by Veneto Agricoltura or from local companies;
  5. protection of the arboreal species through mulching (biological discs or woodchips remaining after the interventions for the removal of the allochthonous species) and through shelters to safeguard the wild fauna.

These interventions will be carried out in the Fontanili Munaron as well (included in the action C2).
The habitat 91E0* is not mentioned in the two sites' standard forms, even though it is present and registered during the activities for the preparation of both the cartography of the habitats and of the species habitats and of the Management Plan.
Anyway, it is mentioned in the information material put at people's disposal by the Region Venetia, following the approval of the Cartography.

(The following links lead to Italian web pages)

PDF Planning and technical report (94,6Mb)
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